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Our Blog - “Let Down Your Nets”

“Let Down Your Nets”

Posted by Georgina Brookman-Amissah on

“Now it happened that while the crowd was pressing around Him and listening to the word of God, He was standing by the lake of Gennesaret; and He saw two boats lying at the edge of the lake; but the fishermen had gotten out of them and were washing their nets. And He got into one of the boats, which was Simon’s, and asked him to put out a little way from the land. And He sat down and began teaching the people from the boat.
When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.” Simon answered and said, “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but I will do as You say and let down the nets.”
When they had done this, they enclosed a great quantity of fish, and their nets began to break; so they signaled to their partners in the other boat for them to come and help them. And they came and filled both of the boats, so that they began to sink.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭5:1-7‬ ‭NASB‬‬
Don’t wash your nets, God is about to do a new thing in your life, yes, even in this unprecedented season, He is doing wonders beyond our imagination! 
That which you have given up on, God will revive it for His glory! 
God is going to bless you more than what you’ve prayed for!
Yes, you have worked hard all these years and caught nothing, but do as the Lord said, and let down your nets again, and go into the deep!
May the Lord bless and establish the work of your hands.

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