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Posted by Pastor E. Moses Ashun on

In Psalm 8:6 we learn that God has put all things under our feet and He has given dominion over the works of His hands. However, there is no denying that the first man, Adam, relinquished the dominion God had given to us through him to the devil, hence Satan becoming the ruler of this world, as acknowledged by Jesus in John 14:30. Thus, when one is born again and filled with the Holy Spirit, he or she receives the authority to rule over Satan and all his fallen angels. Nonetheless, many believers allow the cares of this world to choke them and sap the supernatural energy out of them, rendering them powerless and plunging them into the cycle of defeat. We refuse to be oppressed and suppressed by the enemy!


This year is our year of Dominion and we are rising to take our rightful place. The word of the Lord in Revelation 5:10 says that Jesus has made us kings and priests and that we shall reign on this earth. Rather than being dominated by worry, anxiety, depression, fear, failure, poverty and sicknesses, we are supposed to step into our place of dominion and exercise our kingdom rights, claiming every promise the Father has given to us. It is important to note that kings do the following:


  1. Kings Reign

You are a king, and kings reign. Therefore, you must reign on this earth. You cannot afford to live like an ordinary person. You cannot allow the devil to rule over you. You should not in any way accept to live as a defeated person. The unfortunate occurrences in your life are only for a season and they actually have their purpose. It’s time to rise up and rule! God has given you the spirit of boldness and you have His unlimited power backing you as you reign on this earth. Approach life as a king. Approach your marriage, relationships, family, business, job, and ministry as a king. Don’t allow anything or anyone to put you down. Never should you have your head bowed. You have the backing of Heaven! Lift your head up, square your shoulders and exercise your dominion. Peace is yours! Joy is yours! Prosperity is yours! Good health is yours! Promotion is yours! Take your place and claim what belongs to you.


  1. Kings Issue Decrees

The word of a king is law. When a king speaks, energy is release for situations to change. The word of the Lord says in Job 22:28 that you shall decree a thing and it shall be established unto you. You have what it takes to recreate your world and rearrange your environment. You can change the energy in your atmosphere through your utterances. You are a king; make your decrees! Speak to your situations. Are you going through an undesirable situation? Speak what you want to see into it. Is your marriage, business or ministry dying? Speak life into it! Whatever you want to see happen around you, all you have to do is to make a decree and Heaven will sanction it. Do not withhold your words. Make that positive declaration; issue that decree and see your world recreated.


  1. Kings Have Elevated Perspective

When a plane is taking off, everything around it seems to have a normal size. However, when it lifts off and rises higher, everything that used to look normal begins to look small from its elevated perspective. Such is how you need to see yourself. The Bible says in Ephesians 2:6 that you have been raised together with Christ and seated in heavenly places. As a king, your view is elevated. You’re no longer on the same level as everyone else. The way you view situations and circumstances should be different from how others view them. When everyone is complaining and murmuring, your elevated view must cause you to see things and approach them differently. When worry and fear take hold of people around you, it is not in your spiritual DNA to be a partaker of them. When all the turkeys are engulfed in strife and cutting down one another to gain human favor, you as an eagle need to soar high and glide in divine favor. You must bring God’s perspective into every situation. Yes, you have an elevated view.


You see, you cannot afford to stay back and see your world descend into what the enemy has purposed for you. You are a king with bonafide kingdom rights. Step into your place of dominion. Take authority over your environment, make the necessary decrees to rearrange your destiny, and have an elevated view of whatever is going on around you. It’s our year of dominion. Rule! Reign! Take authority! Be in control! Take charge! Expand your influence! That is your kingdom heritage now and forevermore.  


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